Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

When I arrived in New Zealand, I knew that I would miss my baby, Fudge, a heck of a lot. This basically led me to get my puppy fix in many different ways. Probably much to the dismay of doggy Mums and Dads walking down the street. Although I feel like if you have a cute pup, you know that people will come up to you. This void ended up being filled by a volunteer position at the SPCA. They were still at their old centre near the Wellington Zoo at this point.

They have since moved to 140 Alexandra Road. The new centre is definitely a welcome change for the animals and staff alike.  It is more inviting and warm. It is also easier for people to see the pups and cuddle them. I've been playing around with my camera for the past couple of shifts. Check out the results!

Adopt, don't shop if you can help it!!